Regular Show

10 Beste Episodes of Regular Show - Season 6

Regular Show, a show that aired on Cartoon Network from 2010 to 2017, is an animated series that follows the lives of two best friends, Mordecai and Rigby, who are groundskeepers at a local park. In its nine season run, the show has had many memorable episodes. However, some episodes have been seen as lackluster or even downright terrible. We have compiled a list of the worst episodes of Regular Show ranked from least to most disliked.

From Rigby getting hit by a truck to the gang having to deal with a giant spider, these episodes are sure to leave you disappointed. From Mordecai and Rigby's endless shenanigans to the show's unique art style and off-the-wall humor, these episodes stand out as some of the worst of the series.

So if you're a fan of Regular Show and looking for a good laugh, then be sure to check out our list of the worst episodes of the show. We've put together an exhaustive list with an in-depth look at each episode, so you can be sure to avoid the worst of Regular Show.

Written by Sophie and last updated on Feb 13, 2023.

PS: The following content contains spoilers!

PPS: I will admit that parts of this page was written with the help of AI - it makes my work so much easier to not start from a blank page!

Regular Show - S6E21

#15 - Gamers Never Say Die (Staffel 6 - Folge 21)

Mordecai, Rigby and their boss Benson set out to find a rare video game patch from a old video game.

The episode was rated 7,72 from 112 votes.

Regular Show - S6E2

#14 - New Bro on Campus (Staffel 6 - Folge 2)


After breaking off his friendship with Hi-Five Ghost over an embarrassing video, Muscle Man tells Mordecai and Rigby the story of how he and Hi-Five Ghost met back in high school when he was the big man on campus β€” until new kid Hi-Five Ghost comes in and usurps his title.

The episode was rated 7,73 from 151 votes.

Regular Show - S6E13

#13 - Sad Sax (Staffel 6 - Folge 13)

Following the events of "Merry Christmas Mordecai," Mordecai tries to make things right with C.J. with the help of a shirtless street saxophonist, but each of his solutions make things worse.

The episode was rated 7,74 from 106 votes.

Regular Show - S6E5

#12 - Terror Tales of the Park IV (2) (Staffel 6 - Folge 5)


The park workers tell scary stories to keep Muscle Man awake while driving to visit his mother on Halloween. (2/2)

The episode was rated 7,77 from 156 votes.

Regular Show - S6E7

#11 - Lift with Your Back (Staffel 6 - Folge 7)

Feeling unappreciated, Rigby quits his job at the park and gets a job with a moving company.

The episode was rated 7,77 from 133 votes.

Regular Show - S6E4

#10 - Terror Tales of the Park IV (1) (Staffel 6 - Folge 4)


The park workers tell scary stories to keep Muscle Man awake while driving to visit his mother on Halloween. (1/2)

The episode was rated 7,78 from 156 votes.

Regular Show - S6E8

#9 - Eileen Flat Screen (Staffel 6 - Folge 8)

Rigby plans to surprise Eileen by setting up her new flat screen TV for her, but things take a turn when Eileen's roommate interferes.

The episode was rated 7,79 from 133 votes.

Regular Show - S6E20

#8 - Benson's Suit (Staffel 6 - Folge 20)


Benson finds a suit in the park and begins wearing it to command respect - only to learn that the government made the suit, and corrupt leaders and business people will stop at nothing to get it.

The episode was rated 7,86 from 96 votes.

Regular Show - S6E3

#7 - Daddy Issues (Staffel 6 - Folge 3)

In the Regular Show episode "Daddy Issues", C.J. competes in a mini-golf tournament to win a card that permits people to cut in line at their favorite restaurant. C.J. is determined to win the card, but finds herself in an unexpected competition when her overly-competitive father joins the tournament. The episode follows C.J. as she navigates her own desire to win the card and her complicated relationship with her father as they compete in the tournament.

The episode highlights the issues that arise in relationships between parents and children as they go head to head. Themes of competitiveness, pride, and understanding are explored as C.J. and her father struggle to navigate their relationship while in the tournament. The episode also looks at the different pressures that come with competition, both from within and from outside sources. In the end, C.J. is able to find a balance between her own goals and the need to respect her father.

The episode was rated 7,94 from 137 votes.

Regular Show - S6E1

#6 - Maxin' and Relaxin' (Staffel 6 - Folge 1)


In the episode "Maxin' and Relaxin'", Mordecai from the show Regular Show must face his fear of his mother embarrassing him when C.J. wants to come over for a family dinner. He tries to find any way to stop the dinner from happening, including coming up with a fake emergency. Unfortunately, C.J. doesn't believe him and the dinner still goes on.

Mordecai is nervous about the dinner, especially when his mother is around. He is afraid that she will embarrass him in front of C.J. and he will be humiliated. Throughout the episode, he attempts to find ways to avoid the dinner, even coming up with a fake emergency. However, C.J. doesn't believe him, and the dinner still goes on.

The episode was rated 7,98 from 169 votes.

Regular Show - S6E12

#5 - Merry Christmas Mordecai (Staffel 6 - Folge 12)

Mordecai and his best friend Rigby have been having quite the holiday season in the episode "Merry Christmas Mordecai" of the popular cartoon series Regular Show. Things take a turn for the worse when Margaret, an old flame of Mordecai, comes to town for Eileen's Christmas party. Mordecai is already in a relationship with C.J. and the awkwardness is evident.

Things take a turn for the worse when Mordecai unknowingly breaks C.J.'s heart. Mordecai is horrified and attempts to make amends, but it isn't until after the Christmas party that C.J. and Mordecai can reconcile. Fans of the show felt heartbroken for C.J. and were frustrated with Mordecai's mistake.

The episode was rated 8,01 from 103 votes.

Regular Show - S6E26

#4 - Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special (1) (Staffel 6 - Folge 26)


In the Regular Show episode Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special (1), Mordecai and Rigby have to get rid of a cassowary in the park. The situation escalates when the baby ducks and full-grown geese return to enlist the help of the park workers to defeat a pair of lawyers and their iron-clad contracts. This episode is a tribute to the mecha anime genre, giving it a comedic twist.

The Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special pays homage to the mecha anime genre with a fun and comedic story about Mordecai and Rigby trying to get rid of a cassowary in the park. Along the way, they enlist the help of the baby ducks and full-grown geese to fight against a pair of lawyers and their iron-clad contracts. This episode is sure to bring the laughs with its unique and humorous take on the mecha anime genre.

The episode was rated 8,07 from 110 votes.

Regular Show - S6E27

#3 - Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special (2) (Staffel 6 - Folge 27)

In the Regular Show episode Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special (2), Mordecai and Rigby must rid the park of a cassowary, and things quickly escalate when the baby ducks and full grown geese enlist the help of the park workers. This epic battle is over merchandising rights and they quickly find themselves going up against a pair of lawyers and their iron-clad contracts. In an homage to mecha anime, Mordecai and Rigby must use their wits and the help of their friends to outwit the lawyers and save the day.

The Brilliant Century Duck Crisis Special (2) episode of Regular Show is an exciting and action-packed episode. Not only do Mordecai and Rigby have to contend with a cassowary, but they also face off against lawyers and their contracts. It is up to them and the park workers to outsmart the lawyers and save the day. The episode features plenty of laughs and heart-pumping action as Mordecai and Rigby battle for merchandising rights and the protection of their beloved ducks.

The episode was rated 8,11 from 109 votes.

Regular Show - S6E9

#2 - The Real Thomas: An Intern Special (1) (Staffel 6 - Folge 9)


This episode of Regular Show, titled "The Real Thomas: An Intern Special (1)", follows Rigby's suspicions that Thomas, an intern at the park, is a Russian spy. When Rigby discovers that his suspicions were correct, he, Mordecai, and Benson must work together to save the park from the KGB.

This episode of Regular Show is full of laughs and action. The suspense as Rigby investigates Thomas and the comedic moments as Mordecai and Benson try to keep up with him make for an entertaining experience. Fans of the show will appreciate the witty dialogue, the intense action sequences, and the overall story. This is definitely an episode that you won't want to miss!

The episode was rated 8,14 from 122 votes.

Regular Show - S6E10

#1 - The Real Thomas: An Intern Special (2) (Staffel 6 - Folge 10)

In the second part of this action-packed episode of Regular Show, Rigby is convinced that Thomas is a Russian Spy. After a tense investigation, Rigby finds out his suspicions were true. Mordecai and Benson join Rigby in his mission to protect the park from the KGB.

The trio must work together to dodge the KGB's devious traps to stop them from taking over the park. With their quick thinking and resourcefulness, they manage to outsmart the KGB and save the park from the brink of destruction. It's a thrilling conclusion to an exciting episode of Regular Show.

The episode was rated 8,14 from 121 votes.

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