967 votes
The Curse of Oak Island

The Curse of Oak Island

History 2014

Follow brothers Marty and Rick Lagina through their effort to find the speculated - and as of yet undiscovered - buried treasure believed to have been concealed through extraordinary means on Oak Island.

The Top 10 Actors and Characters of The Curse of Oak Island (Ranked Cast in 2025)

Robert Clotworthy

#1 - Robert Clotworthy (Narrator)

Robert Clotworthy plays as Narrator in The Curse of Oak Island.
Robert Clotworthy is the top #1 member of the cast and appears in 224 episodes.

Rick Lagina

#2 - Rick Lagina (Self)

Rick is a retired U.S. postal worker from Northern Michigan who has been obsessed with the mystery of Oak Island since he was just 11 years old and read about it in the January 1965 issue of Reader’s Digest. Now he is heading up his own team of treasure hunters. Raised by a humble, close-knit family, Rick is the kind of guy who sees the world in black and white; honor is everything, and when you commit to something, you see it through to the end. As Rick puts it: “Once in, forever in!” This has been his lifelong dream, but is his determination to solve this 200-year-old mystery based on confidence or the same dangerous obsession to which so many before him have fallen victim?

Rick Lagina plays as Self in The Curse of Oak Island.
Rick Lagina is the top #2 member of the cast and appears in 21 episodes.

Marty Lagina

#3 - Marty Lagina (Self)

Marty is Rick’s younger brother and has always looked up to him. Even though he’s shared Rick’s interest in Oak Island since childhood, he’s a bit skeptical that anything was ever really buried there. He wants verifiable proof that major works were done on the island prior to the first treasure hunt in 1795 and also worries that Rick could fall victim to the obsession with the island like so many before him. Nevertheless, it is Marty who is primarily financing this adventure. He’s an engineer who has made millions in the energy business and now wants his older brother to realize his dream, too.

Marty Lagina plays as Self in The Curse of Oak Island.
Marty Lagina is the top #3 member of the cast and appears in 21 episodes.

Craig Tester

#4 - Craig Tester (Craig Tester)

Craig is Marty’s former college roommate and now his partner in their energy business. He is an engineer and an expert with drilling and resistivity (earth scans) and has been instrumental in researching, locating and planning new dig operations on Oak Island. Don’t let his calm, cool and collected demeanor fool you. With a wrestling background, he’s not one to mess with.

Craig Tester plays as Craig Tester in The Curse of Oak Island.
Craig Tester is the top #4 member of the cast and appears in 10 episodes.

Last updated: Nov 14, 2024

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